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Monday, July 19, 2010

Grade 7 Piano Practical Exam

Today is my Grade 7 Piano Practical Exam. Almost every year, I thought I was well prepared for the exam but still I'll be nervous. This year, I thought the same thing but no nervous feeling. The nervous feeling was replaced by excitement.

However, the exam did not go the way I wanted it to. When I went in, I played scales first. Guess what? My head blank out for D minor Arpeggios. Didn't even know how to put my fingers on the keys. Gosh! After a few tries, I manage to play. Surely minus marks on that.

After scales, I played my 3 exam pieces.
A3:Sonata in F Minor went well.
B4:Mazurkas in A minor was suppose to be my highest scoring piece.
As usual, my highest scoring piece always give me unexpected results. I broke down at the last part which I never had before during practice. Ah!
C1:Lowside Blues. My favourite piece among the 3 pieces. Not bad but I thought I didn't control the pedal well.

Next, sight reading. The examiner held my Amigo for me. Think she became impatient as I played it SUPER slowly. Haha. What to do.

Last but not least, Oral. Dunno what happen. Maybe it was a Minor piece but I said Major. I dunno. Hope I get more points.

Whatever. No point crying over spilled milk. Lets pray hard and work hard to get better results for my Grade 8 exam next year or 2 years later ba.

Stay tune. Haha.

Written By
9:13 PM

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Aeroplane

Suppose to go out with Hafiz, Steve and Fatin yesterday right? What happen? The Big Aeroplane flew off le. Leaving Steve, Fatin and I by ourselves.

End up, we went to SAVH again in the morning. Steve and Fatin bought white cane and we learn basic cane techniques together. Haha. So fun. We apply for the DDR card le. Through Samuel(social worker) I only know we got a quite new social worker yesterday. Haha. We were there talking to Serene think until around 2pm then go to Toa Payoh Central to eat KFC again. Had KFC for lunch on 2 consecutive days. Surely gain weight le. Oops.

Caiyu, SAVH is selling a few kinds of LED lights magni leh. The 10x alone got 3 different types. Price is $30+, $60+ and $90+ respectively. I think SAVH is selling them cheaper then where I bought it. Think the $90+ de quite good. If you're free, can go down to take a look lor.

Tomorrow start work le. Sianz. :-(

Written By
9:13 AM

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Free for 2 more days

Yeah!! No work from 11 Jan to 13 Jan because my company went for a retreat in Malaysia but I did not go. Just wanna take some time to rest. Working as a telemarketer(TM) is stressful. Need a break.
Went to SAVH yesterday with 2 of my colleagues. Fatin and Steve.
Does any1 know about the DDR Card? I only get to know about it from Caiyu yesterday le. It is a card which acts like our SAVH card. Just that the DDR card is given by NCSS. If you wanna apply for the card, you have to contact your social worker, go down to SAVH and sign some documents for SAVH to release your info to NCSS. There are some benefits for this card le. Example is discounts at Burger King. But, after calling Samuel, I found out that these benefits will expire in July this year. Most of the benefits have already expired early this year. The latest will expire in July. And also, NCSS will take some time to make the card. So if yu apply for the card now, you'll only get it in March or April. 3 more months before benefits expire. Worth it ma?
I may be going to SAVH again this morning. Steve and Fatin wanna get a white cane. I saw this electronic magnifier yesterday at SAVH le. Zhen, it's smaller than my amigo. Very light and small only leh. I quite like it also. $620. It's name is Pico. Can go down to take a look when you're free.
Yeah!! Going jamming with Hafiz, Steve and Fatin today.
Busy 3 days.

Written By
6:50 AM

Friday, December 25, 2009

My New Name

Hi All,

Wishing Everyone a very Merry Christmas!
May you and all your love ones be Safe, Happy and Healthy always! :-)

I know I know. I've not been updating my blog for a long long long long long time.
And haven't been online for a long long long long time too.'
Mycomputer is so lousy and I just don't feel like using it. But no excuse la. I know. haha.
Thinking of buying a laptop soon. Wait for me k? :-)

Why my title indicates, My New Name leh?
From now on, please call me Tan Wen Xi, Verlyn k?
Lee Juan is not a good name so I'm trying to get use to my new name.
It's not easy but I'm telling all my new friends now that my name is Wen Xi or Verlyn.
Nice name right? :-)
IC haven't change. Will change it soon.

Oh ya! I'm no longer working in SingPost le.
When my Contract ended, they told me that they will not be renewing my Contract.
My last day of work was on 5th Oct 2009.

So what am I doing now?
When I stop work, I actually thought of resting for some time and spend more time practising Piano. Haha. But due to certain factors, I only rest for 3 weeks.
On 28 Oct 2009, I started working at Eureka Call Centre Systems as a Call Centre Agent.
It is actually a telemarketing job. Quite difficult but I like my colleagues and the environment.
My job now is to arrange for appointments for Prudential advisers.

So, now that 2009 is coming to an end, anybody getting married soon? Haha..
Oops.. Sorry. I meant to say, any plans for 2010?

I wish 2010 will be a GREAT year for everyone. :-)



Written By
9:23 PM

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Photo Time

Hmmm, Where should I begin. . .

Last week, from the 28th to 30th November, I was in Genting. I had some fun. Enjoying the weather and the rides at the outdoor themepark. I also went to snow world. It's minus 4 degree Celcius leh. Only RM$17 per person. Jacket, gloves and boots for people wearing slippers will be provided. They even give an ice-cream inside for each person. So fun.

On 5th dec, my ah ma celebrated her 70th birthday. I had lots of fun playing with babies. :-)

Yesterday, I went for K-lunch and to the zoo with Patricia, Julian and Jun Ying. The saddest thing is that it started raining before I had chance to take photo with the Orang Utan or ride the elephant or take photo with the sea lion. Haiz.

PS:Sigh sigh sigh. I got 2 strend of white hair leh. Haiz.

Written By
1:25 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Results

Here are Xin's P.S.L.E results.
How do I feel?
Hmmm.. Not bad la. I'm quite happy. I'm most happy with her Math. When i just started teaching her, she got an F de. However, her English and science has not much improvement. Just got the better of her results. But I'm happy still. :-)
Well done girl!!

Written By
7:53 PM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Summary for 2.5 months(Sep, Oct and Nov 08)

It's been a long time sinCe I've last update this blog AGAIN! :-)
However, the highlights will still be mention NoW!!
Sit back, relax, and enJoy reaDing :-)
In September, I was busy giving tuition after work to Hui Xin and John. Out of 7 days in a week, I work for 5 days from 8am to 5.30pm and have to give tuition to Xin on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for 2 hours per lesson and John on Monday and THursday for 1.5hrs per lesson. It was quite tiring but I've enjoyed myself. Teaching is my passion and especially when there is an improvement, I'm proud of myself as well as my student. :-)

Late September, Zhen's baby Ar. Woo is out. So cute leh. Hope this baby can bring happiness to his family.
In early October, I was still teaching Xin but she finished her P.S.L.E(Primary School Leaving Examination) on 6/10/08 and after that I felt so much more relaxed. Income is slightly lower but it sort of gave me more time to prepare for my Music THeory Exam on the 1st of November 2008. At the end of October, John had his end of year exam. He finds it OK/easy.
Early this month, I took my Music THeory Exam at Victoria Concert Hall. This year's exam was very tedious and is one of the most challenging papers I've ever done so far. I did buy the Music THeory Exam papers for 2005 to 2007 as a practice but find that the paper i was doing seems to be more challenging. Hopefully my distinction is secured. The results of this exam shall be updated after it is released.

John's results is out just this week. Though it is not as good as his Common Assessment 2(C.A 2) there is a great improvement from his S.A 1 to his S.A. 2. The numbers seem to have doubled for every subject. Here are his results:
English Language:33/50
I'm proud of him and will still continue working hard to improve his results further.

Written By
10:10 AM




My family
PlayinG Piano
WatChing TV
Tioman Island
etc etc

All to be healthy
All to be haPPy
All to be pretty
All to be handsome
All to do well
All to excel
